Hosokawa Micron has recently invested £600k in two new Control Systems incorporating the latest digital manufacturing technologies within their Contract Manufacturing Facility in Runcorn.
‘Our challenge to meet future contract processing demands through improved product quality and yields, minimise unplanned plant downtime and maximise plant availability and production flexibility is reflected throughout the processing industries. This investment demonstrates how we achieved our goals and in doing so enabled us to develop a proven route for smarter manufacturing that we can share with others,’ explains MD, Iain Crosley.
This first stage investment has generated an all-time high on-specification production rate and 95% ‘right-first-time’ rate at the Runcorn Contract Manufacturing facility and plans are already in place for additional developments to further enhance the service. For Hosokawa the new advances offer the potential for greater throughput to meet growing demands for contract processing services.
Remote monitoring facilitates equipment health monitoring and predictive diagnostics for early warning of equipment problems before they impact plant operations and minimise negative effects on production of equipment failures. Operating data and diagnostic alerts are available via the Hosokawa Gen4 App, which provides guided trouble shooting and remote support by Hosokawa engineers, anytime of the day – keeping operational delays to a minimum.
‘By linking process equipment and controls we can understand, monitor and control our contract manufacturing plant. Sensors capture real-time, essential operating data. This is analysed and interrogated to provide insight into all aspects of the plant’s production performance, identifying underperforming equipment and the status of individual assets. Access to this knowledge aids strategic decision making, scheduling, predictive maintenance and operational availability.’
‘The rate of change in smarter manufacturing technologies is escalating. Powder processors cannot afford to be left behind with implementation. Our 50+ years of processing knowledge plus our digital technologies experience and expertise is available to the wider process sector through our new business unit, Hosokawa Gen4. This capability combination is not available elsewhere.’ says Iain Crosley.
With additional investment for further development already approved, Hosokawa Micron continues to strive to be at the forefront of the Smart Factory revolution.